Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Decisions, decisions

This major part of my brain has trouble making decisions. If faced with multiple options, I usually leave it to others to decide. But when it comes to the way I eat, it's tricky. I have trouble staying on one program for long because I get frustrated when I don't see immediate results or I get tempted by something "off limits" and I give up.
I've done Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach; tried counting calories, limiting portions, nixing sugar... You name it. I listened to hypnosis and tried Paul McKenna and Tracy Anderson and following magazine diets... Nothing lasts for long.
And my little psyche can't take it any more.
So I'm making up my own rules. I am going to build a baby steps program that allows for mistakes and indulgences and I'm going to stick with it for one whole year. If after this year (November 2014) I have not seen results (loss of 1 pound a week is what I'm shooting for), then I will go find a doctor/nutritionist for help.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Today's Breakfast: Granola & coffee

When Life Happens

So Life Happened. My Grandfather who had already been unwell took a fall & is back in the hospital after only 2 days at home.
Stress eating?
I am trying not to.  I want to be healthy, strong, in shape, and live a long life without a lot of pain. It's hard to see him in pain.
It's weird to want to think about my own health when someone I know is suffering.
I am trying to keep my spirits up though.

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Threshold

Confession: I am bigger now than I have ever been.
I am not ashamed, even, it is just fact. And in 58 weeks, I hope to be in the best shape of my life.
My goal is to be a healthy weight & have energy to climb the stairs without going out of breath. That's all. Nothing fancy or even terribly specific.
I will be married someday soon and I want my groom to carry me over the threshold.
A definition of threshold is: entrance, or beginning/outset.
I cross my threshold today, because I not only want the best for myself, I want to be able to enjoy all the blessings in my life.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's Sunday!

My day begins with breakfast of my sister's weight-watchers friendly (program she follows) Pumpkin spice French toast and fresh apple.
Lunch/dinner (still full!) is Bi Bim Bap at the local Korean restaurant.
Then I had some Thai tea & rice crackers.
Stuffed!  And vegetables at every meal!
Baby steps. :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

Did I mention I'm in love?

After many nights praying, and great tests of patience, this year I met my One True Love. He is amazing: our love is greater than I ever thought possible. He is patient, kind, intelligent, affectionate, understanding... And he makes me a better person for being with him.
I want to be the best possible version of myself not only for me, but for him, because he is amazing and deserves nothing less than amazing.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Creativity & Past Efforts

Last night I started my new Project Life by uploading & starting some edits on photos. Boy, did the time fly by!  I can't wait to continue working on it this weekend.
I looked through my photos and could see that my weight has been fairly constant over the years: I've been as small as a size 18 and as large as a 22, but no matter what diet or exercise I try, I always go back to my old habits and remain vaguely the same.
I can't tell you how frustrating it feels, probably because, if you're reading this, you already know.
I wonder what it would be like to slip into a pair of size 12s... Just once.
Although don't get me started on the weirdness that is corporate sizing charts/differences!  (That's a rant for another day).

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Why am I constantly struggling with my skin, my health, my weight...
Why wouldn't I just eat better & exercise & stop worrying?
I want this to be an easy, obvious, fool-proof decision. I have only 3 reasons why I wouldn't try:
1. Cost 2. Convenience/ease 3. Determination
I have a gazillion reasons why I SHOULD try.
Last night I had shortness of breath & a runny nose: a sick coming on. What better time to choose healthier foods than now?
I had celery with peanut butter and carrots with ranch dressing as snacks yesterday. Baby steps in the right direction!
I have a mental picture of my healthiest self; a version of me I haven't been yet, but want to meet. I am strong and flexible and lean and full of energy and vitality. My skin is clear and without blemish; it glows!  My hair and nails are long, strong, and healthy. (In this version I have a clean, organized house with tons of space for crafting and working out!)
I will get there, not only because I want to, but because I am already on my way.